Marketing Metrics That Actually Matter – Let’s chat about a marketing truth that might feel a bit uncomfortable: not all metrics deserve your attention.
I know, I know. This might seem like an odd beginning to a blog from a marketing consultant, but marketing just for marketing’s sake is pointless. Think about it for a moment. Why do you want to market your business?
The obvious answer is to get more customers, more sales, and more profits. When you think about marketing, it’s traditionally all about your bottom line. If you consider other aspects of your company, you wouldn’t keep pumping money into a project that wasn’t giving significant returns; it’s completely uncommercial.
But here’s where purpose-led organisations face a fascinating challenge.
The Purpose-Led Metrics Dilemma
For charities and CICs who aren’t necessarily focused on profits, “significant returns” might look completely different. Sure, you wouldn’t invest in something that wasn’t working – but how exactly do you define “working”?
Is it the number of communities supported? Volunteers recruited? Environmental impacts reduced?
The basic theory of marketing tells us that to maximise sales, you need to place your products and services in the marketplace in a way that makes customers feel they need to buy them. But purpose-led marketing adds another dimension – you’re not just selling a product or service; you’re advancing a mission.
Don’t Get Lost in Metric Wonderland
While every social media platform is packed to the brim with fascinating metrics about follower demographics, interactions, locations, and times they’re online, the question becomes: which ones actually matter to YOUR purpose?
I’ve seen too many purpose-driven organisations get caught up chasing engagement rates when what really matters to them is volunteer sign-ups. Or fixating on website traffic when donation conversion is their actual goal.
Don’t get me wrong; I love digging into metrics (perhaps a bit too much), and they can really help decide where to place marketing content. But if you don’t connect them to your mission and bottom line, your marketing efforts risk becoming a bit… well, purposeless.
Finding Your North Star Metrics
If you sit down with any business consultant, one of the first things they’ll ask is, “Where do you plan to take your business in the next few years?” It’s a sensible question. To grow, you need a plan with achievable goals.
The same goes for marketing. You must know what you want to achieve. And the answer can’t be vague – you can’t just say “more engagement”; it must be a tangible and purposeful target.
For a traditional business, ROI might be straightforward. But what if you’re:
- A social enterprise balancing profit with impact
- A charity measuring success in lives changed
- An ethical business building community alongside commerce
Your metrics cocktail might include:
- Community sentiment and trust scores
- Volunteer recruitment and retention
- Partnership development effectiveness
- Donation frequency and sustainability
- Social impact measurements
- Supporter journey completion rates
The Vanity Metrics Trap
It’s lovely to feel valued and a bit of a buzz to see new followers appearing (I still get excited by new LinkedIn connections too!), but purpose-led organisations need to be particularly careful about vanity metrics.
Imagine two different campaigns for similar charities. One achieves 5,000 new followers who end up donating £20,000, and the other attracts 500 followers, but they donate £100,000 and sign up to volunteer. Which is more successful? It depends entirely on your mission and goals.
Putting Purpose Into Your Metrics
This is why you need someone in your corner who understands that purpose, business, and marketing go hand in hand. Someone who can help you identify the metrics that truly matter to YOUR unique mission.
Next time you’re reviewing marketing performance, ask yourself:
- Does this metric connect directly to our purpose?
- Is this number helping us understand our actual impact?
- Are we measuring what matters or what’s easy to measure?
Let’s make sure your measuring stick matches your mission. After all, what’s the point of climbing a ladder if it’s leaning against the wrong wall?
Want to chat about finding the right metrics for your purpose-led organisation? Drop us a line – I promise we won’t just talk about likes and shares (unless they’re genuinely driving your mission forward!).